On both of our studio we provide table top with white acrylic, with consistently keeping our table top clean, many of our customer specifically use our studio for the large table tops. its easy to achieve clean – “straight from camera” ready to use images for product photography. make your production time faster with our helpful assistant prepare the lighting as you desired.
we produce this picture without any editing using our table tops
and this is our table top with lighting setting
Tethered system is a way to connect your camera to large display, for a fast preview of what you shoot. not just on camera LCD, but on 2 display; 1 large 21″ display and 15″ macbook pro to manage your shoot. we provide this system. shooting tethered make your shoot easier and faster and helped your workflow because :
1. image composing, checking sharpness, details is easier and faster.
2. selecting image on location. by client or yourself faster.
3. reducing client / subject to be around you for looking their shots.
this system is perfect for :
> shooting plenty of item/ clothes/ people (cataloging item/composition)
> shooting fashion ( selecting pose/sharpness)
> shooting product photography (details and composition)
> shooting many people at once (easing your workflow / shooting time)